Intuitive Cartographies:

Eleanor Anderson

In this show called "Intuitive Cartographies” I’ve explored large-scale fabric collage -  using the material language of fabric, stitching and machine embroidery to create works that read as aerial diagrams of playgrounds. My pieces start without a preconceived plan; along the way I manipulate fabric and found-objects in a patchwork of linking, overlapping rectilinear shapes, sprinkled with graphic mark-making and notation.  In these works, play is a moving target - I resist the urge to turn towards logic and run down familiar pathways. I ask myself, what are the bounds of my map and where do I stray in order to gain a new perspective? This form of serious play challenges me to stay open to improvised solutions, trusting the errant route in search of what is without jumping to convention. These maps are traces of my intuition; evidence of how I feel my way through a radically unstable world. I optimistically hope that the viewer gets lost in these pieces and comes away with the sensation of connection and a playful awareness of how the larger world could be.