What the Fire Wrote
Suze Woolf
Pyrography (burning) on mounted rice paper, singed sticks
17.5" x 54" x 2"
Suze Woolf has watched glaciers shrink and burned forests increase. At first, she painted beautiful intact landscapes but was compelled to portray their ecological disturbances. Portraits of individual burned trees became her metaphor for human impact as well as insect depredations increased by warmer winters. Despite her anxiety, she also sees unusual beauty. Fire-carved snags are all the same – carbonized, eaten away; yet each different – the fire’s physics and the tree’s structure create unique sculptures. Painting them is her meditation on climate crisis. Artist books made from beetle killed trees include their hieroglyphic patterns. Most recently her work has included fabric "craftivism." Suze works to confront climate in painting, paper casting, pyrography, installation, and artist books. Like her best work, the results are both beautiful and disturbing.
*Additional shipping costs may apply
Suze Woolf
Pyrography (burning) on mounted rice paper, singed sticks
17.5" x 54" x 2"
Suze Woolf has watched glaciers shrink and burned forests increase. At first, she painted beautiful intact landscapes but was compelled to portray their ecological disturbances. Portraits of individual burned trees became her metaphor for human impact as well as insect depredations increased by warmer winters. Despite her anxiety, she also sees unusual beauty. Fire-carved snags are all the same – carbonized, eaten away; yet each different – the fire’s physics and the tree’s structure create unique sculptures. Painting them is her meditation on climate crisis. Artist books made from beetle killed trees include their hieroglyphic patterns. Most recently her work has included fabric "craftivism." Suze works to confront climate in painting, paper casting, pyrography, installation, and artist books. Like her best work, the results are both beautiful and disturbing.
*Additional shipping costs may apply
Suze Woolf
Pyrography (burning) on mounted rice paper, singed sticks
17.5" x 54" x 2"
Suze Woolf has watched glaciers shrink and burned forests increase. At first, she painted beautiful intact landscapes but was compelled to portray their ecological disturbances. Portraits of individual burned trees became her metaphor for human impact as well as insect depredations increased by warmer winters. Despite her anxiety, she also sees unusual beauty. Fire-carved snags are all the same – carbonized, eaten away; yet each different – the fire’s physics and the tree’s structure create unique sculptures. Painting them is her meditation on climate crisis. Artist books made from beetle killed trees include their hieroglyphic patterns. Most recently her work has included fabric "craftivism." Suze works to confront climate in painting, paper casting, pyrography, installation, and artist books. Like her best work, the results are both beautiful and disturbing.
*Additional shipping costs may apply